
Over Eleven Million Books Sold

 A book by Don Failla

based on his Ten Napkin Presentations

About The Book

There are currently millions of people in network marketing and millions more signing up every year. 

The most important thing is for a new person to understand this business. 

You can spend several hours explaining this business to them or you can simply loan them this book.

About The Author

Don Failla started his network marketing career in 1967. 

He developed a system for building a large organization, by paying attention to what worked as he built his business. 

Today he has over 1.4 million people in his organization. Every day, between six and seven hundred people join his business. He has done seminars in over thirty-five different countries.

Don Failla retired twenty years ago and his business has continued to grow on its own.

Don and his wife, Nancy, have been married for fifty-six years. They live in California and have two sons, Doug and Greg, as well as five grandchildren. 

This book has sold millions of copies and is available in many languages. It is a major part of the Own Your Life system. 


This book is dedicated to the free enterprise system, of which we all have the opportunity to enjoy and without which network marketing would be impossible. 

"Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it." 

Proverbs 3:27, KJV 


In order to begin building a large organization, all you need to know is The 45 Second Presentation

If you are unable to memorize this short presentation, you can either read it to your friends or give them your lifestyle card and let your friends read it themselves.

Beyond this presentation, you do not need to know anything. 

Once you realize this and understand it, you can introduce your business to anyone, because if they want to, anyone can build this business. 

All they need is desire. Without desire, you have nothing.

The secret to the system we teach is not to talk. Talking is your worst enemy. The more you talk, the more a person thinks they cannot do what you are doing. 

The more you talk, the more they think they don't have time. Remember, time is the number one reason people have for not getting started with this business.

After your friend reads The 45 Second Presentation, they may ask you a question. Regardless of what the question is, if you answer it, you lose. Before you know it, they will have five more questions. 

Simply tell them they may have questions and the system is designed to answer most of them. 

Have them read the first five napkin presentations and then get back to you.

(Never tell someone to read the book, because they will never get around to it. Instead, tell them to read the first five chapters of the book. Most people will then finish reading the book.)

After reading the book, your prospect will understand network marketing. 

This is important, because the number one reason people don't build a network marketing business is because they don't understand it. 

Now they will understand network marketing and will be ready for you to present your company, products, and marketing plan. 

But to get started, you don't have to know anything other than The 45 Second Presentation. (It takes thirty seconds to read it.)

So what do you do now? 

At this point, use the tools, as well as your sponsor, to do the talking for you. 

(The tools are your company videos and website.) 

Let's say you have your first prospect! 

You have done The 45 Second Presentation and they have read the book. 

You invite your prospect to meet with you. At the same time, they will also meet your sponsor, who will explain the business to your prospect for you.

Summary: There are three steps to the Own Your Life system: 

1) Show the 45 Second Presentation, which is on your lifestyle card. 
2) Have them read the Own Your Life book. 
3) Send them to your company website. 

This system is the fastest and simplest way to build your business.


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