7 Things You Should Know About Network Marketing Before You Start

1) It's simple, but not easy.
2) You have to be willing to communicate with people.
3) Most people are going to tell you, "No."
4) Your friends and family may not sign up with you.
5) Some people will think you're doing something low rent or scammy.
6) If your sponsor or someone else in the company is making big money, that doesn't mean you will too.
7) You have to be willing to make mistakes and look bad, especially in the beginning.
Are you still here?
Are you willing to do that, in order to own your life and never have to go to work again at your job?
Why People Quit Network Marketing
The dropout rate for network marketing is ninety-five percent.
One reason is people are approached the wrong way. They're told, "It's easy, anyone can do it."
"You can make big money fast in this business."
"Our company is the best and stands above all others."
"All you have to do is talk to your friends, family and neighbors."
This means around fifty million people in the United States are open to taking a look at your network marketing business. (250,000,000 adults x 20 percent = 50 million)
Then they find out the hard way that these things are not true.
If You're Like Most People, You Want To Own Your Life
To own your life means having more time, more money, and better health.
However, even though most people would love to own their life, not everyone is willing to do something about it.
Some experts believe only twenty percent of the population wants to build a network marketing business - even if they hate their job and need to make more money.
If you want to make the world a better place with your product or business, here is your mission:
Find people for whom this is the right thing to be doing. No one else. People who understand and appreciate what you have to offer.
In other words, you have to survive all of the wrong ones, until you find enough of the right ones.
Do you think you could do that, if I showed you what to do?
P.S. It's not only tough to succeed in network marketing, but it's also difficult to be successful in other similar fields, such as being a realtor, insurance agent, or financial advisor.
In these careers, they are compensated by commission only. They get paid based on their ability to produce.
They do not show up for work and go through the motions.
If they do not produce, then they lose their job.
For example, 87 percent of all real estate agents will fail within their first five years.
More than 90 percent of new insurance agents quit during their first year.
By their fifth year, only 15 percent of financial advisors will still be in business.
The probability of success in these industries is extremely low.
The same sad statistics are also true for network marketing.
In the beginning, before you get started, they do not tell you these things.
People who have been in network marketing a long time know the chances are you will eventually drop out. They know you'll likely be one of the 95 percent.
So before you quit, they want to get a list of names of people you know, your warm market. (This is not wrong to do. They're simply looking for leads.)
Then they go through this list of names and see if they can find a long-term, successful business builder. (It's almost like winning the lottery.)
In conclusion, I wanted you to know these things up front, so you don't waste your time or lose any money. (There is always risk when you begin a new venture.)
If network marketing is something you want to do and the timing is right for you, then get in touch with me.
After all, what if it does work for you?