Chapter Ten - Napkin Presentation # 10 - Pentagon Of Growth

Five has been the magic number throughout this book. 

This final presentation is a five-sided mathematical exercise, which also tends toward being a self-motivator every time you show it to someone.

This Pentagon of Growth lays out an important view of how fast your organization can grow, if you adopt the principles which we have outlined in this book.

Start by drawing a pentagon and writing "You" in the middle of it. 

We'll allow for a training month and use increments of two months as we develop our organization. (However, you can use whatever time frame you wish.) 

You come into the business and in two months you have sponsored five people who really want to get a handle on life. (Write 2M-5 by one side of the pentagon as shown in the figure for "2 Months.")


In two more months (at the end of four months), the five people from the second month, having been taught to do what you're doing, give you twenty-five second-level distributors. 

At the same time, you have developed five more serious first level people. Your pentagon is now looking like the above one.

After six months, you may have one hundred and twenty-five third-level people under your original five, twenty-five second-levels under your second group of five serious people, plus you have developed a third set of five people.
At the end of eight months: your pentagon of growth may appear like the above example. 

Now at this point, hand the napkin over to your student, give them the pen, and have them complete the diagram on out for ten months. 

Simply put a line for ten months (10M ___) of the original group, since the figure is too large to effectively identify with, as it is over 3,000 people. (3,125 to be exact.) 

Go around the pentagon one more time and extend it to a year.

To really put emphasis on how building in depth can make your organization grow rapidly, cross out all of the groups, except the one under your original five serious people. 

Point out to the person you are showing this to, that if all they built was this one group (and they didn't do any of the ones crossed out), they would be making $6,000 per month or more, depending on their company compensation plan. 

The purpose of this exercise is to show the importance of working in depth (down-group) with the people you sponsor, while teaching them to do the same.

Summary: When you build in depth, it can cause rapid growth in your organization.

It is important to work down in your group, with the people you sponsor, while teaching them to do the same thing.

The best way to grow your business is to sponsor five serious people. Then work down in each of group. Eventually, this will lead to compounding and leveraging your efforts and time.


Do you want a better life?

How would you like to have more time, more money and better health?

Are you ready to get started and own your life?


This is the end of the Own Your Life book. 
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