Chapter Nine - Napkin Presentation # 9 - Motivation and Attitude

One of the most important of the napkin presentations is this one on motivation. This will give you an excellent understanding of what motivates people. You will learn how to work with your people to motivate them.

Start out by writing the word "motivation" at the top of your napkin or board. 

Next, draw two arrows - one pointing down, and the other pointing up. Point out that there are two kinds of motivation: down motivation and up motivation. 

Label the arrows. Down motivation is what we call "hot bath," while up motivation is constant. 

Let me explain. 

Most of you probably have been to rah-rah motivational rallies and found yourself gung-ho to get with it and get going (again) with your network marketing program. 

In a few weeks or months, however, you usually find that you've cooled off again.

When you take a "hot bath" it seems the hotter the bath, the quicker you cool off.

I have seen people go to motivational rallies that last up to three days. Then two weeks later, after they get home, they are totally depressed. 


For three days they were hyped up and highly motivated. However, no one told them what to do or how to do it. That's why they get down and cool off.

Even reading this book is a "hot bath." (I'll get to motivation in a little bit.) 

Going to seminars, getting together with your sponsor, reading a book, moving some product, obtaining more knowledge - these are all forms of "hot baths" or down motivation. 

That's not to say they are bad, because they are necessary.

Before I talk about up motivation, I want to talk about attitude. Imagine you are going to talk to someone about your business. That person doesn't know anything about it, so they have an attitude level of zero.

Let's say for you to be effective in talking to them about the business, you need an attitude level of fifty degrees. If your attitude level is short of fifty degrees, don't talk to anybody, because they will drag you down.

Suppose the person you want to sponsor checks out your presentation. They have signed the application and want to get started. They are excited about the business! They're all the way up to sixty-five degrees - they're going to get rich!

Before they have had a chance to learn anything, they go out and start talking to people. 

Since they don't know how to handle themselves when confronted by negative skeptics, they get negative themselves.

They hear negative from well-meaning relatives and friends. They may have previously signed up with someone who wanted to get rich off them, rather than by someone who was able to help them build a business, a real sponsor, with a commitment to helping others, ahead of helping themselves.

They will drop below the fifty degree level. You get back together with them again, answer any objections and questions they may have and they'll go back up, maybe to seventy degrees. 

This time they will stay up a little bit longer, before they go below fifty degrees again in their attitude level.

The question: How would you like to have an attitude level of fifty degrees all the time? In other words, you aren't up and down like a yo-yo. You want to be constant. 

The only way you can do that is with up motivation.

Here is up motivation: You have a sponsor. Your sponsor will help to sponsor people for you. We start with five people. 

Notice that when you sponsor five people, you have only twenty-five degrees. 

Again, avoid the mistake of sponsoring more people than you can effectively work with, adding five people at a time and losing them as fast as you add them.

Your sponsor helped you sponsor these five people. In turn, you will help those five people sponsor others, for their five degrees. 

Their five degrees is ten degrees for you. 

All the second level people are worth ten degrees each for you. 

If you only helped one of the five people to sponsor five others, that would put you above fifty degrees. 

Notice what happens when you teach sponsoring down another level. The third level is twenty degrees. The fourth is forty degrees. The deeper you go, the hotter it gets! 

The only way you can appreciate this phenomenon is when it's first happening. That's why you want it to happen to your people as soon as it can happen for them. Once they experience it, they will be excited!

Here is an example: Carol sponsors Tom. Tom sponsors Bill. Carol gets a phone call and finds out that Bill went out last week and sponsored five serious people. He is really going to run with it! 

This excites everybody up the line of sponsorship. That is why we call it up motivation.

You need to help the people you sponsor to support their people. 

Let me show you an exception to that. When you sponsor someone into the business, they are a silver ship. Everyone comes in as a silver ship. They're excited, but they haven't gotten serious yet.

Everybody has at least one friend. Get together with your people. Help them to sponsor some of their friends, who come in as silver ships. Support your people as they help their friends, to sponsor more friends, down three or more levels. 

Eventually, down in depth somewhere, you will find someone who turns out to be a gold ship

Here is what you do: Work with that first real gold ship you have in depth. During the process of helping the gold ship, the silver ships will be converted to gold ships.

That is how you convert the silver ships, by getting someone under them. If that person under them is a gold ship, the silver ship that sponsored them will say, "Hey! I better get my act together." 

There isn't anything that will motivate people more, than to have someone under them building the business. 

It has been said, "You can motivate people faster and more effectively by putting a candle under their sitting place, than by putting a blow-torch to their thinking place."

To wrap this up, the one thing you don't want to do is have the people you have sponsored develop a dependency on you. 

The people you sponsor cannot be dependent on you forever. Otherwise, it's not going to work. 

There has to be a point where they no longer need you. This is when your people can teach their people all ten of the napkin presentations.

Then they know everything they need to know to build a strong organization. 

This is when you find another serious person to sponsor.

Let's suppose you sponsor Sue. You say, "Sue, let's say you are like the sun. The sun has more energy than anything we know of." 

The person sponsored by Sue is like a pan of water.

In your group there is a sun. At what point would the water boil? If you took a pan of water and set it out in the middle of the hottest desert, on the hottest day of the year, it still would not boil. 

It will take 212 degrees for the water to begin to boil. It will not boil at 210 degrees or 211 degrees, it has to be at least 212 degrees to boil.

Notice: If your attitude is at 212 degrees and only needs to be at fifty degrees to be effective, you could talk to anybody, at any time, about what you're doing. 

That's the direction your attitude is heading. 

We told you the sun cannot make the water boil. Your sponsor cannot make the water boil either. None of the hot bath motivation can.

I don't care if all the top people in network marketing came to town for a rally and you attended all of them, your water will never boil. 

They can get your attitude above the fifty degree level, but it is up to you to get the water boiling. And remember, your sponsor will help you.

In other words, you know people your sponsor doesn't know. 

Your sponsor will go with you and help you sponsor someone. Once you have sponsored someone, you have started the burner under the pan. 

With five people sponsored, you now have the pan sitting on five burners, the maximum number the pan can effectively cover. 

Notice the water isn't boiling yet. It's only twenty-five degrees, if your five people have not sponsored anyone yet. 

But, if any three run off a string three deep, or any two a string four deep, or any one a string five deep, the water begins to boil.

Any combination that adds up to 212 under the pan will get the water to boil. At the time the water is boiling, the sun (sponsor) can go away and the water will continue to boil. 

Once you have shown a person this and you call them on the phone, they realize that you are calling because you want to help them. You are not calling to give them a blow-torch to the head, but rather, you are calling to see if you can light another burner or turn the temperature up on those already lit. 

You want to help them get their water to boil. 

The farther you go down the group, the hotter is the burner.


Notice that you have others sponsored as well. The first one to boil is not necessarily the first one you sponsored. It is the first one that is serious and develops the depth in their organization.

When the water boils there, you can continue working with five serious people. Notice the pan can sit on only five burners at a time.

If you have fifteen people sponsored into the business, you can only work effectively with five people at a time. (You may have to sponsor ten to twenty people to find those five serious people.) 

What happens to the others? 

We put them on the back burner, so to speak.

When you have the water boiling on one or more of the five people, before you go out to search for someone brand new to sponsor, take a trip around to the back burner and let them know what is going on. 

You may find that because of timing and circumstances, at the time you sponsored them they were not ready yet to get serious about the business.

However, they are ready now. 

Maybe they were waiting to see how the program was going to work for you. 

So take a trip around to the back burner, before you sponsor a new person.

Summary: You can have a consistent positive attitude. You achieve this by sponsoring in depth in your business. 

You help the people you sponsor to begin sponsoring new people. When you sponsor up the line of sponsorship, this motivates people. (It is called up motivation.) 

Support the people you have personally sponsored by helping them sponsor new people, in depth, three or more levels.

The best way to motivate people is to have someone under them building the business. (This is called duplication.)


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