Chapter Four - Napkin Presentation #4 - Digging Down To Bedrock

Discouragement is a challenge faced by many new business builders. This is why it's important that they get a head start.

This is why we emphasize they should not start counting their months in the business, until they have had their training month. 

When they first get into a network marketing organization, they may have a tendency, without a head start, to look at the leaders in front of them. They may become discouraged, thinking they will never be able to catch up to them. 

During this training period the new person, whether it's you or the new people in your organization, need to be doing two things:

  1. Sharing the first five chapters of the Own Your Life book

  2. Inviting people to see the business, i.e. taking a look at a presentation conducted by someone else and learning about the business, including its products and compensation plan. 

Remember, if you want to retire in a few years making $50,000 per year, you must be willing to go back to school by investing in your business for the next six months. 

If someone tells you they will give it thirty days and see how it goes, don't waste your time with them. 

Success requires a commitment of at least six months. This brings us to the importance of building your foundation. 

For the next napkin presentation, draw a picture of a crowd of runners.

Note the arrows showing a runner trying to catch up to the crowd and the runner going even faster, trying to stay ahead of the others. (You may find it easier to draw circles to illustrate this point.) 

Remember when you were in physical education class in school, running laps? 

Some people prefer to run faster to stay ahead of a crowd, rather than have to catch up to it. 

Since there is no finish line in this race, you can all be winners. 

However, to run a good race, you should train for it. 

When you sponsor someone, have them consider the first two to six weeks in the business as their training period. 

The following month is their starting month. Everything they read or listen to, the meetings they attend with their sponsor and others, the products they try, and the products they move are all part of the training. 

All of this training is giving them a head start on their starting month in the business, which is next month. 

When the next month comes, if they're not yet ready to get serious about the program, consider that they are still in their training month.

Don't have them start counting their months until they are ready to get serious. 

That way, when they finally do get serious, they will be warmed up for the race and can get off to a head start and run a faster race.

One of the major benefits of these napkin presentations is that as you share them with your new distributors and prospects and have training programs, they have a tendency to become self motivators. 

Every time I show the 2 x 2 = 4 napkin presentation, I get excited again about the possibilities in network marketing. 

Once you understand what I'm going to show you, you'll be motivated and encouraged every time you see a new office building under construction. 

When construction begins, it seems like it takes forever before you see it rise out of the ground. 

But once it gets above the ground, it seems to rise one floor per week.

It goes up fast! 

Picture that tall office building as your own organization.

When you first began to sponsor those first five serious people, you were digging the foundation with a shovel. 

When you dig down to the second level, by teaching your people to sponsor, that is now twenty-five people. You will have to bring in the bulldozers. 

When you have taught your people how to teach the people in their group to sponsor, you are well on your way to bedrock and you are now beginning to dig with steam shovels. 

When you have begun to see the 125 third level people, you have reached bedrock. Now you can start going up. 

When you are down four levels deep in your organization, it means you are now starting to become visible and your building will rise up quite rapidly. 

So, if you have been in the business for several months and don't yet see any results, don't get discouraged, because the foundation is still under construction. 

It’s sort of like the gold prospector who spent months and months digging a mine, only to give up and quit when he was just six inches from the main vein.

Again, let's go back to the salesman. That's what happens to them. They move on to something else, as they were about to hit bedrock and start seeing the building rise. 

You can't expect to see visible results of real growth until you have gone down at least four levels deep. 

It doesn't necessarily mean you have to be 5-deep and 4-deep. If any one of your lines is four deep, it means you are starting to build floors and are visible. 

Above is an illustration of what the foundation looks like of the person who sponsors 130 people. (They are wide, which means no stability in their business.)

Notice they haven't reached bedrock, even if each person sponsored five wholesale product users and had a group of 780 people. 

Without a solid foundation sitting on bedrock, the building can't get too tall and it will eventually crumble. 

Relating this back to the trip to California, the person who sponsors 130 people is in first gear too many times. 

If they all sponsored five people, he would never get out of second gear. 

Build your foundation deep, down to bedrock, so you do not get stuck in second gear. (You'll reach high gear.)

When we get to the napkin presentation on motivation and attitude, you will have a better understanding of why it's important to build a deep organization. 

Before going on to the next napkin presentation, here is a reminder:

As soon as possible, show people the first five napkin presentations.

The napkin presentations in the following chapters can be introduced at any time, after your people have started sponsoring others into the business.

Summary: To build a successful business, you have to have patience. If you're working your business part-time, you might make a few dollars or no money in your first month. You will eventually quit, if you do not understand that in order to succeed, it's going to take patience.


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