Chapter Five - Napkin Presentation #5 - Ships At Sea

You have now been in network marketing for several weeks or a month. (How long will it take for you to become serious about your business?) 

By this time, you have sponsored several people.

This is a fun napkin presentation, especially to a group of people.

Your Ship Has Come In 

"When my ship comes in" is a phrase heard by almost everyone. 

I'm reminded of the pessimist who says, "With my luck, when my ship comes in, I'll be at the bus station." 

In network marketing, you really can have your ship come in.

If you learn and apply these napkin presentations, you can be there when your ship comes in. 

I sometimes ask people if they have a long-lost relative that is going to die and leave them a lot of money. Most people don't have a chance of that happening to them.

Most people don't have much of a chance for their ship to come in. 

However, in network marketing, they can have their ship come in. This is one of the reasons why I am excited about this industry. 

You Can Give Hope To People

When you're talking to people, you can give them hope. 

You can give them hope that they don't have to spend the next thirty to forty years working for a company, so they can draw a pension and retire. 

Have you noticed how people work thirty to forty years, so they can retire and see the world? 

How are they going to see the world, when they are trying to live on half of their income?

Network marketing gives people the opportunity to see their dreams come true.

Most people are fearful about trying to start and build a business of their own. Network marketing gives them the opportunity, without interrupting their present means of support, to get involved and try it out. 

Three Ships At Sea

What you will see now is how you can have your ship come in. 

(This represents reaching the top of your network marketing organization.) 

When your ship arrives, you are going to cash in on its cargo.

When I show this analogy to someone, I draw three ships at sea. 

On the bottom of a napkin, draw the shore. (This is where your ship comes in.) 

Label the first ship gold.

The second ship, label it silver.

The third ship, label it M.T. (Empty) 

The ships represent the people in your organization, whether or not you directly sponsored them. 

They may be at any level on down the sponsorship lines. 

Knowing when your ship comes in, you are going to cash in on the cargo, which one are you going to work with to help them reach the shore? 

The gold ship, of course. 

Why do most people want to work with the empty ship? Because most people have never been involved in anything like network marketing. 

The analogy is the gold ships are the sales types. They think they don't need any help or direction. They are going to run with it. 

Maybe they will, but probably won't, not without the success keys of building in depth, rather than width. 

The M.T. ships are the ones that have been in the program several months.

You have to convince them network marketing will work for them. (They tend to be negative and easily discouraged.)

Most people will work with the empty ship until they see this napkin presentation. 

When they understand it, they will start working with the gold ships. 

When you sponsor someone into the business, they come in as a silver ship. 

How you work with them determines whether their cargo turns to gold or they remain an empty ship. 

In the first napkin presentation, when discussing your five serious people, we were talking about five gold ships. 

The more silver ships you have that turn to gold, the fewer people you have to sponsor, to find your five serious people.

Are You A Gold Ship?

How To Identify A Serious Business Builder:
  1. They are eager to learn. They call you on a regular basis, with many questions. 

  2. They ask for help. They have someone they want you to help them to sponsor or train.

  3. They are excited about the business. They understand enough about network marketing to know it will work for them.

  4. They make commitments. They are buying and using the products. They spend their spare time learning about the products and the business.

  5. They have goals. Goals help to drive a person to get what they really want. It's not absolutely necessary to have them written down (but it doesn't hurt), as long as you have definite things in mind that are a burning desire for you to achieve.

  6. They have a list of names and it is written down. 

  7. It's fun to be with them. Whether it's business or pleasure, they look forward to your visit. 

  8. They are a positive person. We all like to be around positive people. 

The list could go on and on about the identification of a gold ship. 

The only difference between a silver ship and a gold ship is the silver ship has not been in network marketing long enough to understand it, to the point of being serious about it.

I want you to be aware of three important words. If you understand these three words, you will understand what makes all network marketing programs work. 

Those words are expose, involve and upgrade.

  1. Expose - The first thing you do is expose the person to your business. 

  2. Involve - Once you have exposed it to them, the person then becomes involved in your business.

  3. Upgrade - Once they are involved, they will be thinking about how far they can go in the program and will consistently upgrade. 

You expose them to network marketing by explaining the various methods of moving products. (retail sales, direct sales, network marketing, direct marketing, online marketing) 

Show them the 2 x 2 = 4 napkin presentation. 

Get them involved by taking them on a trip to California, through the Four Things You Have To Do napkin presentation.

Once they understand the ten napkin presentations and set their sights for the top, upgrading will be natural for them.

Do Not Push or Pressure People

When you phone or visit with people, it is important for them to understand you are calling because you want to help them.

You are not pushing or pressuring them. 

Remember the M.T. (empty) ship type of person?

When you call them because you want to help them, you get the feeling they were not thrilled about you contacting them. 

This is a good indication that they feel you are being pushy and bugging them. 

When you call empty ships, they think you are pressuring them. 

On the other hand, when you call a gold ship, they believe you are calling because you want to help them.

You pick up a positive tone during your conversation with them. 

On the other hand, empty ships don't have goals. They don't have a list of names. They are not serious. They're usually negative people. 

They are the ones you must keep proving things to all the time. 

Realize when an empty ship sinks, it will go down alone or it will drag you down with it. 

That is why I train people to stay away from the empty ships and work with silver and gold ships. 

Spend most of your time working with gold ships, to help them develop depth in their organizations. 

Eventually, the ships that haven't sunk (dropped from the program) will see you moving ahead without them. They might contact you. 

If a person has a negative attitude about the business, it is practically impossible to help them. You have to let them hit bottom. 

Then, when they are ready and contact you, because they want help with building their business, you can quickly bring them up. 

If you try to bring them up while they're on their way down, they likely will drag you down with them. (This is why you don't try to work with an empty ship.)

Never Ask A New Person This Question  

Never contact a new business builder and ask how much they sold last week. You will lose credibility with them. 

After all, you told them they did not have to sell. 

If you ask them what they've sold, they will think you only want to make money off of them.

The money will eventually come, if you first seek to help people succeed. 

Working In Depth or Down Group

When you talk to someone you have directly sponsored, first contact somebody in their downline. See if they would like for you to help them meet or talk to anyone.

Afterward, you can contact the person you have directly sponsored and let them know you are going to help someone in their business.

Show people that when you contact them, you want to help them.

You are not checking up on them. Checking up on people is what a sales manager does with sales people.

We are not in sales or direct sales. We are in network marketing.  

To conclude this napkin presentation, you are not an empty ship. (If you were, you would not be reading this book.) 

Before you started reading this book, if you believed you were an M.T. ship, by now you are a silver or gold ship. 

Summary: Gold ships are the serious people. Silver ships are beginning to understand network marketing, so they can become more serious about it. Empty ships are usually negative people, who do not have goals.

How you work with someone can determine whether or not their cargo turns into gold.

You are not in sales or direct sales. You are in network marketing.


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