Would It Be Okay If You Never Had To Go To Work Again?
If you want to earn an extra $5,000 a month, you need to do two things.
Number one. We are in the health and nutrition business, because everyone wants to feel better and live longer.
There is a company called Zinzino that has a supplement made out of extra virgin olive oil and fish oil. Every morning, you drink a small amount of this supplement.
It not only makes your body feel good, but they even measure the results, with a simple test you can take at home.
Number two. If you never want to go to work again, all you have to do is between you, and everybody you know, and everybody they know, find 5 people who feel the same as you.
People who want to feel better and live longer and want to make some extra money every month.
You don't have to immediately find these 5 people. You can do it in a month, a year, or even ten years. How fast or how slow you go is entirely up to you.
Now, you don't know how to find these 5 people or what to teach them once you find them, but you can learn.
You learned how to use a smartphone. You learned how to drive a car. So you can certainly learn a simple system to eventually find 5 people who want to take this supplement and make some extra money every month.
And then you would earn an extra $5,000 a month.
So what is going to be easier for you?
To continue working a job that sucks the life out of you or learn a system, so you can own your life and never have to go to work again?
That's it. The rest is up to you.
P.S. Most people are thankful to have a job, because they like eating and living indoors.
However, everybody knows a job can be stressful and not a lot of fun.
(On Sunday evenings, most people get depressed because they know Monday is coming and they dread the start of another long work week.)
Yet, people continue to work at their job because they have to pay the bills and support their family.
Does this sound like you?
Is it time to do something about it?