
Do You Worry About Your Health?

Do you worry about being sick when you get older, like what I saw happen to my father and grandfather? They did not care about eating or drinking the right way and were smokers too. The last years of their life were miserable, which also affected our family. I want to avoid ending up like them, so I learned how to eat and drink the right way. Now, I'm the same age as they were when they began to get sick and I don't have any health issues. So that's what I do. I help people live a healthy lifestyle, so once they reach middle age, they don't waste their time and money going to the doctor, like I saw my father and grandfather do. To learn more, watch the video.  If you like what you see, then contact me. P.S. Did you know inflammation is a primary cause of sickness and disease? It can lead to brain fog, joint pain, belly fat and more. You're also at a higher risk for heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's. So what's going to be easier for you? To stay the same...

Are You in The Danger Zone?

Imagine your left fist is an omega-6. Omega-6 is an essential fatty acid. Your body has to have it.  If you don't have omega-6, you will die. That's why it's an essential fatty acid. You have to have it.   However, your body doesn't make omega-6. So you have to get it from your diet or supplements. Omega-6 is an inflammatory fatty acid. It helps create inflammation. (It's usually low-grade inflammation.)  If you cut your finger and you're bleeding, if you don't have enough omega-6, you won't stop bleeding and you might bleed to death. Omega-6 helps your blood to clot. (It makes your blood thicker.) It helps the cut on your finger to stop bleeding.   Now, imagine your other fist, your right fist, is an omega-3. It's also an essential fatty acid.  Your body has to have it. If you don't have omega-3, you will die. Your body doesn't make omega-3. You have to get it from your diet or supplements. What is the difference between omega-6 and...

I'll Never Forget That Day...

The doctor cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, but I have bad news." He paused, then looked at my father. "You have cancer." In high school my dad had been an athlete, an All-American football player. Now he was sick. Very, very sick. He had difficulty breathing and was on oxygen.   For  eight years  he needed a machine to help him breathe. Eventually, he also developed diabetes and had a heart attack.  No longer able to work, my father struggled to do the things you and I take for granted, such as getting out of a chair or going to the bathroom. Little by little, he reached the point where he could not make it up the stairs to his bedroom, so he slept downstairs on the den couch. Before too long, the couch was replaced with a hospital bed. (A Hospice nurse was there now too.) One afternoon, Mom was in the kitchen. All of a sudden, she heard my father gasping for air. She ran into the den and saw him staring at the ceiling. She yelled, "Breathe, Paul! Bre...

What Is My Number?

I was surprised and disappointed at the results of my test. I try to eat clean and healthy.  I consume zero sugar (sucrose) and no fruit (fructose).  I limit how often I eat out at a restaurant. (seed oils = omega-6)  I do these things because if I'm not careful, I'll get a huge gout attack . (I've had attacks that have lasted as long as two months!)  Yet, I'm obviously not consuming enough omega-3 . I'm unbalanced.  This causes inflammation , which puts me at a higher risk for brain fog, low energy, and joint pain, as well as heart disease, cancer or stroke. What about you? What's your number? Are you are the danger zone?

What Everybody Ought To Know About Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Cardiovascular Health

Stephen Cherniske, M.S. and his wife Natalie Kather, M.D. discuss the benefits of supporting cardiovascular health. Stephen Cherniske, M.S. is a biochemist who taught Clinical Nutrition for the UCLA Department of Continuing Education in Health Science.  He served on the faculty of the American College of Sports Medicine and directed the nation's first FDA-licensed clinical lab specializing in nutrition and immunology.  He is a patent holder in biotechnology, as well as a best-selling author, with over a million copies in print. Natalie Kather, M.D. received her medical degree from The University of Utah School of Medicine. She is board-certified in Family Medicine, as well as Anti-aging.  Dr. Kather has over 25 years of experience in the medical field, where she specializes in women's health, hormone balancing and human performance.

The Most Important Risk Factor for Sudden Cardiac Death

The omega-3 index, which is the fraction of omega-3 fatty acids in red blood cells, is the most important risk factor for sudden cardiac death.  We typically think of adding omega-3 from fish oil as improving the index. It does, however, is this the correct way to look at it? Regardless of omega-3 intake, seed oils lower the omega-3 index.   Simply lowering linoleic acid from seed oils can improve the index to optimal levels.  This implicates seed oils (vegetable oils) in sudden cardiac death. Source: Click Here P.S. Did you know one of the first symptoms of heart disease is instant death? According to Dr Cate Shanahan , by strictly limiting sugars and absolutely avoiding vegetable oil (seed oil, restaurant oil), your chances of suffering a heart attack are essentially zero.

Symptoms of Omega-3 Deficiency

Following are symptoms of an omega-3 deficiency:  brain fog  joint pain  belly fat  dry skin  low energy  too much ear wax  depression  flaky hair and skin  higher blood pressure  stiff joints  poor sleep stress  inflammation skin tags Ninety-nine percent of Americans test out-of-balance, which means they test more than 3 to 1. (omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids) What's your number? Are you in the danger zone?

Does Fish Oil Help With Heart Disease?

Does adding fish oil help with heart disease?   While it is important to get more omega-3 from fish oil, a real problem is the excess omega-6 fats flooding our food supply.  Research shows that heart disease rates track almost perfectly with the amount of omega-6 fats.  In the past, the traditional omega-6 to omega-3 ratio was around 1:1. In modern diets, this ratio has exploded to 20:1 or even higher. So not only do you need to add omega-3 to your daily routine, but you also need to limit the amount of omega-6 in your diet.  Think about it. If your faucet is on full blast and your bathtub is overflowing, the solution is not to add a few cups of water.  You need to turn down the faucet.  The Same Principle Applies to Your Body:  - Seed oils (soybean, corn, canola, etc.) flood your system with omega-6.  - These unhealthy fats get into your tissues.  - They create and promote inflammation and blood clotting .  - Adding fish oil is ...

Cancer Risk Reduction - Vitamin D and Omega-3

Combined Vitamin D and Omega-3 Supplementation, Along With a Simple Home Exercise Program, Showed a 60 Percent Reduction in Cancer Risk. Note: These are minimal doses, yet they still made a significant difference in the health of adults 70 years of age and older. For better absorption of Vitamin D and Omega-3, make sure you're getting enough Vitamin K and magnesium every day. To see the full study, Click Here . P.S. Foods high in Omega-3 are eggs and fatty fish. (sardines, salmon, mackerel, anchovy, herring) For even better results, eliminate sugar, ultra-processed foods, and seed oils (restaurant oils) from your diet. P.P.S. Did you know that most fish oil supplements oxidize (decompose) by the time they reach the consumer and are a waste of money? To learn more about an Omega-3 supplement that works, Click Here .

Studies, Clinical Trials and Papers of Omega-3

Heart Disease Study: Recommendation to Decrease Linoleic Acid (Seed Oil) Consumption and Increase Omega-3 Was More Effective at Preventing Coronary Heart Disease Than a Statin   Source: Click Here  (paywall) ____________________ Blood Clotting Populations that eat a lot of fish have substantially longer bleeding time (a standard lab test) than non-fish eating people.  The tendency to increased blood clotting is a highly underrated factor in cardiovascular disease, as well as in cancer, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.   Note: Bleeding time decreases significantly in aging, which means one has a greater tendency to blood clotting.   This is a factor in cardiovascular disease and cancer, the two main causes of death in older people. To see more, Click Here . ____________________ Breast Cancer Adipose tissue omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid content and breast cancer in the EURAMIC study.  "the balance between omega-3 and omega-6 fat may play a role in ...

Is Canned Tuna High in Omega-3 Fatty Acids?

Yes, canned tuna is high in omega-3 fatty acids.  It's also a good source of protein and vitamins.  Omega-3  A five ounce can of StarKist Chunk Light Tuna in Water contains 180 mg of EPA and DHA omega-3.  The amount of omega-3 in tuna varies, but it may contain 80 mg to 240 mg of EPA and DHA combined per serving.  Other Omega-3 Rich Foods   Other fish that are high in omega-3 include: salmon mackerel  herring sardines  Other Foods High in Omega-3 include:   Cod liver oil  Oysters  Anchovies  Caviar Benefits of Omega-3   Omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce inflammation and lower the risk of heart disease and stroke.  DHA is also important for supporting brain and eye health.  Tuna Safety   The FDA recommends that pregnant or breastfeeding women limit their tuna intake to no more than one serving (4 ounces) per week.  The FDA and EPA recommend eating 2 to 3 servings of fish or shellfish per week.

Why Your Fish Oil Supplement Doesn't Work

What makes for a much more effective fish oil supplement?  It's the combination of omega-3 fatty acids and fat soluble polyphenols.  They go together. They work together. Are you wasting your money on a supplement that doesn't work?

A Zero Chance of a Heart Attack?

According to Dr. Cate Shanahan, M.D., if you strictly limit sugars and absolutely avoid vegetable oil (seed oil), your chances of suffering a heart attack are essentially zero.  As always, it's necessary to test in order to see your omega 6:3 ratio and your omega 3 index.  By avoiding seed oils, you are reducing omega 6, but clearly, that is only half the story. Have you had your omega-3 today? Are you ready to take the test?